Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic Mackerel


Atlantic mackerel has 11 to 13 spinous dorsal fin rays in the first two crests on either side of caudal peduncle, has blue-green dorsum with oblique and parallel dark lines beneath which the body sides are silver and no dark spots. It can be confused with the "mackerel".

Live from the surface to about a depht of 250m, and feed the capture of several members of scombridae families, Atherinidae e Clupeidae, among other species of fish and cephalopods. Scientific Name: Scomber Scombrus Capture Zone: Açores, Madeira and Continent. Packing:       saco      

Source: Publication n.º18 of INIP, pag 115 from "Guide for identification of portugal fish submitted a minimum capture size" and Wikipedia.